Women rally in Balochistan to mark their day

QUETTA: Women from all walks of life including civil society, rights activists and government servants staged a rally popularly known as ‘Aurat March’ to mark the International Women’s Day in Quetta on Monday.

Calls for upholding the rights of women echoed throughout the rally through slogans and placards.

The rally began from Quetta Metropolitan Corporation and ended at Quetta Press Club where the participants addressed the media.

Many people attended the rally to show support for the suppressed women of society.

This year the participants of the rally asked for better healthcare facilities for everyone as the country continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic.

More people later gathered at the Quetta Press Club and marched as they raised slogans for women empowerment, equality, and the rights of students.

Javeria Malik, one of the participants, said that she has come to the march to raise awareness about the rights of women labourers.

 “They are being oppressed and nothing is being done about it.”

She remarked that women are denied equal pay and don’t have access to the same employment opportunities as men.

“We also want to raise awareness about the problems faced by students living in hostels and want community laundries and kitchens to be set up,” she added.

Newspaper: Express Tribune