Court orders registration of FIR against Aurat March organisers

PESHAWAR: A local court on Friday ordered registration of an FIR against organisers of Aurat March held in Islamabad on a petition filed by five lawyers claiming that the participants of the march had passed anti-Islamic remarks and were carrying obscene posters.

Additional District and Sessions Judge Syed Shaukat Ali Shah accepted the petition filed by Ibrar Hussain, Israr Hussain and three other lawyers under Section 22-A of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), which empowers the court to act as ‘Justice of Peace’ and issue an appropriate order in case of non-registration of a criminal case by police.

“The contents of the petition constitute a cognisable offence. The local police is under legal obligation to register FIR of the occurrence as per the version of the petitioners,” the court ruled.

It directed the station house officer (SHO) of East Cantt police station of Peshawar to register an FIR of the occurrence as reported by the petitioners under the relevant law.

The judge directed the court staff to send copies of the petition and his order to the SHO for compliance.

Advocates Ajmal Mohmand and Gohar Saleem appeared in the court for the petitioners.

Over the query that since the march had taken place in Islamabad how could an FIR be registered in Peshawar, the petitioners’ lawyers said that the derogatory remarks and posters were watched by the petitioners on social media in Peshawar and under Section 179 of the CrPC the court had the jurisdiction to entertain the petition.

They contended that when a person was accused of commission of any offence by reason of anything which had been done, and of any consequence which had ensued, such offence might be inquired into or tried by a court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction any such thing had been done, or any such consequence had ensued.

The lawyers argued that as the consequences of the Aurat March had ensued in Peshawar, the court was empowered to order registration of an FIR.

The court had reserved its order on the petition on March 24 after completion of arguments and pronounced it on Friday. The petitioners have stated that Aurat March was held in Islamabad and other cities of the country on the occasion of Inter­national Women’s Day on March 8.

They alleged that in Islamabad the participants of the march had uttered derogatory remarks against sacred personalities of Muslims besides displaying un-Islamic and obscene posters on the instructions of the organisers, which hurt the feelings and sentiments of the Muslims including the petitioners.

They stated that the government and administration in Islamabad had not taken any action against the organisers of the march. The petitioners claimed that they had approached the East Cantt police station’s SHO for registration of an FIR but he was reluctant to file one.

The SHO in his comments said that the petitioners had filed an application for registration of an FIR, but he had asked them to produce a video or any other material evidence so that legal process might be initiated.

The petitioners contended that a cognisable offence had taken place and it was the duty of the police to register an FIR.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bar Council had also passed two resolutions in its meeting on March 15, calling upon the government to take action against the organisers and different NGOs which had organised Aurat March in different cities.

Newspaper: Dawn , The News


Since 2018, Pakistan’s new feminist movement has witnessed a meteoric rise, with the phrase ‘Aurat March’ now becoming virtually synonymous with International Women’s Day. Despite the rising security risks, every March 8, women from various backgrounds walk out of their homes to join the public demonstrations organised in cities across the country.

With the same regularity, Aurat March has triggered an annual national freak-out — exposing deep-seated tensions in a fractured society, as well as a slew of malign opportunists exploiting these fissures to amplify their bigotry. This year, however, the incandescent rage against outspoken women reached a fever pitch in the form of a dangerous disinformation campaign.

Inadvertently by some and deliberately by most, incitement to violence has been mainstreamed through a relentless feedback loop of defamatory and incendiary statements by extreme fringe, right-wing and even ostensibly ‘moderate’ mainstream voices.

Some of the false charges against the women’s movement by the primary beneficiaries of patriarchy are old hat. In March 2019, the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI’s) MNA Aamir Liaquat had called for Aurat March’s source of funds to be investigated, accusing it of attempting to paint a ‘negative image’ of Pakistan. (Since its inception, Aurat March’s chapters have maintained that they accept no funds from any international or local institutions, whether non-profit or corporate.) Since then, multiple public figures and fringe elements have perpetuated this false claim.

In the run-up to this year’s march, Rizvan Saeed, a researcher and development consultant who has been studying online activity against Aurat March, noted at least one coordinated campaign by a social media team — or, put more bluntly, a troll farm. Created in November 2020, this hitherto unknown troll farm recently instigated a hashtag campaign alleging that the march is ‘foreign funded’. It’s the kind of hoax that is easy enough to propagate.

Pakistan’s new feminist movement, as exemplified by the annual Aurat March, has ignited — and exposed — the margins-to-mainstream disinformation pipeline

“In a country where even men are constricted by rigid patriarchal structures,” Saeed says, “the notion of women exercising their autonomy and agency, not to ask but to demand their rights, creates a deep sense of discomfort.” Little wonder then that many would rather dismiss Aurat March by imagining that such women are not speaking for themselves, but at the behest of a ‘foreign hand’.

Last year, Jamiat-i-Ulema-i-Islam-Fazlur Rehman chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman exhorted his supporters to “stop” Aurat March by any means necessary. Students from the Lal-Masjid-affiliated Jamia Hafsa and the proscribed Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat both claimed credit for defacing a mural painted in support of Aurat Azadi March in Islamabad; the former later attacked the march.

Multiple suits to ban the demonstrations were filed in courts across the country, by religious groups and habitual petitioners. Members of provincial assemblies gave speeches on the floors of houses condemning the movement; some attempted to pass motions against it. On the airwaves, attention-seekers such as drama-writer Khalilur Rehman Qamar were repeatedly invited to unleash vitriol against feminists in ‘defence’ of culture, religion and country.

All these blatant mainstream attempts to silence outspoken women sent two clear signals to opportunists — from ultra-nationalists to ‘men’s rights’ activists to extremist religious groups — on the margins of public discourse: (i) it’s open season on women, and (ii) if you’re seeking attention on platforms already hyper-saturated with outrage, up the ante.

And they did. What followed was false allegation after false allegation of being anti-religion and, in some instances, of having blasphemed. One bigot after another, from various religious sects and political affiliations, came out in condemnation of Aurat March — eventually culminating in a fatwa issued by the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan.

With the same regularity, Aurat March has triggered an annual national freak-out — exposing deep-seated tensions in a fractured society, as well as a slew of malign opportunists exploiting these fissures to amplify their bigotry. This year, however, the incandescent rage against outspoken women reached a fever pitch in the form of a dangerous disinformation campaign.

In Islamabad, the left-wing Women Democratic Front was forced to explain in detail the difference between their flag and the French Tricolour, after it was alleged — and amplified by rightwing ideologue Orya Maqbool Jan on national TV — that it was the latter which had been raised at Aurat March as part of an agenda to promote anti-religious sentiments.

In Lahore, organisers had to issue a clarification after an anonymous account of sexual abuse at the hands of a religious teacher, written on a blanket at the demonstration, was deliberately twisted to smear the March participants. Saeed notes that when this image first circulated online, malign actors invited their followers to ‘interpret’ how its words could be misconstrued against Islam.

In Karachi, a video of slogans chanted at the march was distorted with fake captions and poor sound quality to make similar false claims. This incendiary allegation was then funnelled back into the mainstream via conservative and hyper-nationalist social media influencers, as well as a section of the media that amplified the doctored video on their massive platforms, without any attempt at verification. Some quietly deleted the video once the truth was revealed; others offered feeble apologies.

From 2017, when student Mashal Khan was lynched and killed in his Mardan university and several bloggers were subjected to enforced disappearances (the claims against them in both cases eventually proven to be untrue), Pakistan has now reached the point where false allegations of blasphemy — which in this country are akin to signing death warrants — are being crowd-sourced, even manufactured, as the moral inquisition gathers pace.

Journalist and digital rights activist Farieha Aziz, along with several other female journalists, initiated a petition demanding that those journalists who peddled false claims against Aurat March immediately retract their statements and publicly apologise. The petition also calls for several other corrective measures that the media ought to take to counter false narratives and de-escalate the situation.

When asked why she believes some journalists are susceptible to such blatant disinformation, which endangers lives, Aziz says this is clearly a case of confirmation bias: “These individuals were already primed and ready to believe the worst of those who they are in opposition to, and with no incentive to reverse the damage.

“Whether it’s the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority [Pemra], the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority [PTA], the Federal Intelligence Agency [FIA], or even the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016 [Peca], these tools of the state are, by design, not intended to protect citizens, especially women and other vulnerable groups,” she says.

“How can they provide accountability when they are not meant to work, unless it is to construct cases against dissenting voices and suppress free expression — even speech that is not prohibited — while those who incite violence are able to do so with impunity? Victims have no legal recourse, no social protection, except to lay low and stay silent — which is not a coincidental by-product of such attacks,” Aziz adds.

From the top down, several members of the government have not shied from making their antipathy towards Aurat March known — albeit cloaked in more coded language, such as ‘Western’ and ‘against family/cultural values’. For the past two years, PTI spokesperson Firdous Ashiq Awan has qualified her support for women’s rights by pandering to the belief that Aurat March must moderate its tone — ironic coming from such a vocally strident party.

But insinuating that Aurat March’s messaging is as problematic as hate speech and incitement to violence is akin to playing both sides. For a party that has continually flown the flag of ‘fake news’ against reports it considers unflattering, the PTI government has been noticeably silent in this regard. Besides Minister Fawad Chaudhry tweeting (bravely, given the current milieu) that those behind the doctored video must be investigated, the Minister for Religious Affairs has said that the (already debunked) allegations of blasphemy would be investigated alongside attempts to doctor images — another bothsidesism.

Social media platforms have been weaponised to peddle controversy and outrage. Public discourse is becoming increasingly polarised by the toxic invective used against political opponents. The mechanisms of the state are often used to silence dissent and victims of abuse of power. The boundaries between the margins and mainstream have blurred, with disinformation being laundered and amplified among the wider public, as traditional means of filtering out false information and conspiracy theories break down.

And, once again, women are the primary targets. The post #MeToo ‘witch-hunt’ that both naysayers and fence-sitters feared, turned out to be real — just not in the way they had portrayed it.

Newspaper: Dawn

Prayer leader held

ISLAMABAD: The capital police arrested a prayer leader over his alleged involvement in criticising organisers and participants of Aurat March.

The prayer leader also criticised government and premier in his Friday sermon for not taking action against the organisers and participants of the march.

The Secretariat police arrested him for further legal action. SHO Khurram Shahzad was interrogating him.

He is the prayer leader of Jamia Masjid Phulwari since June 2020, the police said, adding he was the native of Shahdara and got religious education from a seminary at Super market.

Newspaper: Dawn

Lal Masjid moves court seeking ban on Aurat March

ISLAMABAD: The Shuhada Foundation of Lal Masjid has moved The Islamabad High Court seeking ban on Aurat March and action against its organiser Open Society Foundation for holding such activities.

The petition was taken up by Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb of the Islamabad High Court (IHC).

However, Shuhada Foundation counsel Tariq Asad requested Justice Aurangzeb to refer this matter to some other bench.

Subsequently, the judge referred the case to the IHC Chief Justice.

The petition was seeking court’s direction to “ban the organisations particularly ‘Open Society Foundation’ which were involved in the Aurat March and the organisers of the event be dealt with in accordance with law.”

The petition also sought ban on Aurat March and similar events as well other activities like Valentine Day. Besides, it requested the court to refer this matter to the Council of Islamic Ideology to examine whether the women in Pakistan are deprived of any legal right in any field and whether such event conducted on March 8 was in consonance with the injunctions religion and the provisions of the Constitution?

Newspaper: Dawn

Probe launched into controversial slogans at Aurat March: minister

ISLAMABAD: The federal minister for religious affairs said on Sunday that an inquiry was being conducted into alleged blasphemous slogans raised at last week’s Aurat March.

In a statement, Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony Pir Noorul Haq Qadri said that Pakistan is a country of lovers of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and no one could be allowed to pass blasphemous remarks.

He said the government was trying to reach the truth regarding some contents/video clips being circulated on social media, adding that those involved in the practice would be unmasked and cases would be filed against them.

The minister said the elements that “photo-shopped” banners of Aurat March and posted them on social media would also be taken to task.

The participants of Aurat March have clarified that they did not raise blasphemous slogans in their march staged on March 8 to mark International Women’s Day, and their video had been doctored to curb growing popularity of their struggle.

 Says those who doctored the video will be taken to task

“The Aurat March faces severe backlash every year. Our videos and posters are targeted and manipulated, spreading misinformation and maligning the march. This year, one of our videos was doctored and heinous allegations are being placed on us,” the organisers of the march tweeted on Thursday.

They said that in the doctored video, an attempt was made to show that the participants of the march raised blasphemous slogans.

They tweeted both videos — the original and the doctored — showing that participants of the march did not raise blasphemous slogans. In one of the videos, the protesters were shouting, “Mullah should also listen” but in the doctored version, someone had deleted the ‘M’ sound to make it sound like “Allah should also listen”.

Aurat March is an annual event held in major cities of the country and has gained massive popularity during the last few years but at the same time, it has been facing backlash from the elements having a right-wing approach.

Like previous year, this year too, a campaign has been launched against Aurat March on social media.

On Saturday the Pakistan Peoples Party expressed concern over the social media campaign against Aurat March. The PPP warned against employing religion-based laws to stifle the voice of women groaning under a patriarchal mindset.

In a statement, PPP secretary general Farhatullah Babar said that the organisers of the march had not only denied false allegations levelled against them but also exposed how the footage of their demonstrations had been doctored to back lies and slander against them.

“The falsification of the images of the march, including the declaration that some participants waved the flag of a country while referring to the flag of a women’s organisation, has already been exposed in media talk shows,” he added.

Newspaper: Dawn