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Man killed in dispute over freewill marriage

KARACHI: A young man was shot dead allegedly by the in-laws of his elder brother in Surjani Town, officials said.

The police added that 20-year-old Nasim Hanif sustained a fatal bullet wound when the brothers of his sister-in-law opened fire on him after a brief altercation between the two sides.

“The victim`s elder brother, Talat, and a girl married of their own free will a few months back,” said Surjani Town SHO Inspector Musaddiq Rafiq.

“However, Talat`s in-laws were extremely against this relationship and were insisting on his wife to leave him and return home. Since their marriage, relations between the two families were strained.”

The inspector said that on Tuesday morning, three brothers-in-law of Talat came to see their sister at his home in Sector 7-C of Surjani Town and after a brief talk asked her to leave her husband and return to her parents` home with them. “However, the woman and her in-laws resisted and a heated argument ensued. The situation turned ugly when one of her brothers pulled out a pistol and fired multiple shots. A bullet hit Nasim in his head causing his instant death while the three brothers ran away,” the SHO added.

He said the police later registered an FIR (202/2011) under Sections 302 and 34 of the PPC on a complaint of Talat Hanif against his brothers-in-laws Javed, Arif and Humayun.

Source: Dawn
