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Women’s contribution to journalism hailed

KARACHI – Women journalist who have striven against tide, have done great contribution to field of writing. Amongst them have been Razia Bhatti, Saneeya Hussain, Ameenah Azarn Ali, Maisoon Hussain and Najma Baber. Paying great tribute to the female writers, Panos South Asia arranged a seminar.

Speaker highlighted the causes that made these woman stand out for journalistic career. Firstly, Zohra Yousuf highlighted the work of Bhatti and said, “She was an icon in the field of journalism and had high level of professional innate in her. She is courageous lady and broke from the throes of beauty and health tips writing to writing on political set up of the country.” About Saneeya Hussain she said, “She institutionalizes the pioneering work in journalism.

“Whereas Ameenah rarely wrote down, Maisoon aggres­sively wrote against child labour and child abuse. Najma Baber was an ardent feminist writer. Saira Kazmi highlighted the fact that she had lived through incumbent government and worked ex­tensively on women related issues.
Source: The Nation