Two women killed over Karo-Kari

SUKKUR: Karo-Kari claimed the lives of two women, one in district Tando Allahyar and the other in district Shikarpur, on Wednesday. Reports said Abdul Rasheed Sanjrani shot dead his 20-year-old daughter Ghulam Rukyia, accusing her of being ‘Kari’ in district Shikarpur and managed to escape from the crime scene. The police shifted the body to a local hospital for post-mortem. Separately, Ghulam Abbas Gopang shot his daughter-in-law Firdous Gopang to death, accusing her of adultery, in Mansoor Colony in district Tando Allahyar. Police said they had arrested the accused, on the complaint of Abdullah Gopang, brother of the deceased girl.

Newspaper: The News