Three, including two women, killed over ‘Karo Kari’

SUKKUR: Another three, including two women, became prey of Sindh’s tribal tradition of ‘Karo Kari’ in different parts of the Sukkur region on Sunday.

Reports said a man, identified as Inayatullah Bhangwar, slaughtered his wife Bahen Khatoon over the charges of having illicit relations with another man in Bakhshapur in Kashmore district and managed to escape. The police also registered an FIR against Inayatullah but could not arrest the accused. In another incident of similar nature, another man killed his wife Subhana Khatoon, charging her of adultery, and later surrendered himself to the police with the murder weapon in Chak No-38 near Obaro in district Ghotki. The accused recorded his confessional statement, claiming that six days ago he got married with the deceased but she was interested in another man, and he could not tolerate the situation and finally killed her. Reports said a man identified as Rajib Brohi, shot another man Muhammad Ismail Brohi dead in village Luqman Brohi of Sajawal Junejo in district Qambar-Shahdadkot and surrendered to the police with the murder weapon. The accused later told the police in his confessional statement that the deceased had illicit relations with his wife and on Sunday he witnessed his wife and the deceased in an objectionable condition, and shot both but his wife survived and managed to escape while the man was killed.

Two women killed over Karo-Kari

SUKKUR: Karo-Kari claimed the lives of two women, one in district Tando Allahyar and the other in district Shikarpur, on Wednesday. Reports said Abdul Rasheed Sanjrani shot dead his 20-year-old daughter Ghulam Rukyia, accusing her of being ‘Kari’ in district Shikarpur and managed to escape from the crime scene. The police shifted the body to a local hospital for post-mortem. Separately, Ghulam Abbas Gopang shot his daughter-in-law Firdous Gopang to death, accusing her of adultery, in Mansoor Colony in district Tando Allahyar. Police said they had arrested the accused, on the complaint of Abdullah Gopang, brother of the deceased girl.

Newspaper: The News

Four women killed over Karo-Kari in Sindh

SUKKUR: Four women were killed on the pretext of Karo-Kari in Larkana, Khairpur and Kashmore districts. Report said accused Manzoor Mazari shot dead his wife ShahJahan over Karo-Kari in Irrigation Colony at Guddo in Kashmore-Kandhkot district. Later, the police managed to arrest the accused. Separately, police recovered the body of a woman in village Sono Jatoi of Larkana. They said unidentified accused fled after killing the woman. Police have registered a case and are conducting raids to arrest the killers.

Also, accused Asif and Nadeem Thebo strangulated to death their sister Parveeza, d/o Himath Ali Thebo, over Karo-Kari in village Moosa near Kot Diji in Khairpur. In Jacobabad, one Reshma Shaikh was allegedly killed by her brother.

Newspaper: The News

Another two killed in ‘Karo Kari’

SUKKUR: The tradition of ‘Karo Kari’ on Sunday claimed another two lives in Sindh’s cities of Jacobabad and Nawabshah. Reports said in the limits of Moula Dad Police Station in district Jacobabad, accused Sohail Chandio fired to kill his wife, Bakhtawar, on the pretext of illicit relations. The police shifted the body to the Jacobabad Institute of Medical Sciences, (JIMS), Jacobabad, but they have failed to arrest the accused. In another similar incident in Taj Colony, district Nawabshah, an accused Awais Dharejo strangulated his wife, Iqra, over the charges of ‘Karo Kari’. The police said the accused managed to escape from the crime scene after killing his wife.

Newspaper: The News