Workers alliance, Chambers of Commerce and Industry’s join hands for women empowerment

Islamabad : Women Workers Alliance and 13 Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIs) joined hands for a collaborative, coordinated, and cooperative approach towards addressing the issue of women workers and improving their economic participation.

In this regard, a joint declaration was agreed upon by the Women Workers Alliance and authorized representatives of the chamber of commerce and industry of Islamabad, Karachi, Haripur, Peshawar, Gujranwala, Mardan, Rahimyar Khan, Quetta, Sukkur, Faisalabad, and Jhelum at an event organised here on Thursday. The declaration called upon the government to introduce reforms in labour laws and incentivize progressive employers. Both parties resolved to work together to ameliorate the working conditions for women as a means to improve the economic growth of the country.

The unique gathering of the representatives of employers and workers was facilitated by Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) under its project Enhancing Women Workers Access to Market (EWAM), which is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The members of the National Steering Committee of WWA and the presidents or their nominees of CCIs attended the event.

In a Joint Declaration resolved to establish Joint Employer-Women Workers Working Groups in the aforementioned districts. These groups will act as a bridge between employees and employers to resolve issues related to the provision of minimum wage, employees’ contracts, separate washrooms for women, and the formation of protection against harassment at workplace committees. The Joint Declaration also called upon the government to complement this unique understanding by updating labour laws, ensuring their enforcement, and introducing administrative measures to improve the working conditions of women workers. The Declaration also called upon the government to incentivize the employers for compliance with labour standards as set in the international conventions and national laws on the subject in order to provide improved working conditions at the workplace, especially for women.

Ambassador of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Wouter Plomp, Parliamentary Secretary for Commerce, Trade, and Industry Aliya Hamza Malik, Chairperson Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians Shandana Gulzar Khan, TDEA Director Programs Muddassir Rizvi, and EWAM Team Lead Uzma Farogh also addressed the gathering. Shandana Gulzar emphasized the need for the government to take ownership of the issues facing women workers. She drew attention to the economic losses incurred due to the under-representation of women in the national labour force. Aliya Hamza Malik underscored the importance of the workers’ perspective especially of women in resolving issues related to commerce and trade in the country.

Source: The News

Justice Ayesha’s Supreme Court appointment: Seniority not legal requirement, nor convention, says Women in Law

The Women in Law Pakistan initiative has issued a statement with respect to the seniority debate on the appointment of Justice Ayesha A. Malik of the Lahore High Court (LHC) to the apex court, saying the idea that seniority is a legal requirement is a myth and “there is no requirement in law and Constitution to appoint the senior most judge to the Supreme Court”.

The initiative states that “at least 41 times judges have been appointed to the Supreme Court without them being most senior. There is, therefore, no such custom either. ‘Seniority’, is at best a mere demand of some members of the Bars at the moment and has no legal basis”.

The initiative makes a reference to Article 175-A(3) of the Constitution of Pakistan which “speaks of seniority only in relation to the appointment of the Chief Justice of Pakistan”, adding that as per Article 177 (2) of the Constitution, to be eligible for appointment as a judge of Supreme Court, a person must: be a citizen of Pakistan; been a judge of the HC for five years, or been an advocate of the HC for 15 years.

“Absence of the words, ‘the most senior’ in Article 177 for appointment of Judges of the SC shows that seniority of a Judge in the High Court is not an essential condition for their appointment as a Judge of the SC.”

The initiative adds that “seniority as an interim measure will halt conversation for holistic reforms actually needed for greater transparency and representation”.

The statement comes as a section of the legal fraternity has called on Chief Justice of Pakistan Gulzar Ahmed to postpone Thursday’s meeting of the Judicial Commission of Pakistan (JCP), scheduled to be held on January 6 to consider the elevation of Justice Ayesha.

In case the meeting is not called off, the Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) and all bar associations would boycott all court proceedings, from the superior judiciary to the lower courts, PBC Vice Chairman Khushdil Khan and PBC Executive Committee Chairman Muhammad Masood Chishti and others announced after a representative meeting on Monday.

Source: Dawn

Inheritance rights: A tale of widow sisters bares systemic flaws

ISLAMABAD: Two widow sisters, both above 70, who had been running from pillar to post for the past two decades, finally got their inheritance right last month, only after the intervention of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Even when the matter was taken up by the Citizens’ Portal early this year, the Rawalpindi district administration tried to drag the matter. Later on, when the prime minister ordered an inquiry against the revenue official concerned, and a disciplinary action was initiated against him last month, the administration was forced to do what should have been done many years back.

The case is a classic example of how women in Pakistan are deprived of their constitutional and religious right to inheritance. The sisters – Tanzeem Akhter and Tanveer Sohrab – started their struggle to get their right in 1999 when their father died. For almost five years, these sisters contested their case and won it in a court of law as well as the offices of all revenue officials – from tehsildar to commissioner, but failed to get their property practically. After the court decision in 2005, the revenue officials not only kept delaying demarcation of the land but also started a new round of legal-cum-administrative process for handing over the property to the sisters.

The widow sisters lodged a complaint on Pakistan Citizen’s Portal against the additional deputy commissioner revenue (ADCR) on January 23, 2021, who had not been implementing the decision for no reason.

When the news of complaint on the Citizen’s Portal reached the official concerned, he allegedly threatened the sisters to withdraw their complaint or get ready to face the consequences. However, the women again reported the matter to the portal, and on May 18, 2021, the prime minister directed the Punjab chief secretary to take action, which resulted in demarcation of the land and division of the property among the family members as per law.

According to a National Commission on Status of Women (NCSW) report, published in 2006, only 3% of women in Pakistan get inherited properties/ lands. However, no updated record on the issue is available in the country.

Naheed Ali, who remained a member of the National Commission on Status of Women from 2006 to 2009, told The News that even the above mentioned NCSW report was not reliable, as there is no proper procedure to measure the percentage of women who get their inheritance right.

Humaira Bashir, who worked with KPK Commission on Status of Women in 2018, and is currently a member of the KPK assembly, said that during her service as a commission member, only one introductory meeting was held.

A source said that as far as the law and policies for the protection of women inheritance is considered, Punjab offers the best legal framework. But when it comes to implementation, the situation is pathetic.

In 2012, the Punjab government made amendments to the Punjab Land Revenue Act 2012 and also passed a new law, Punjab Partition of Immovable Property Bill 2012’ for the protection of right to property, in general, and for women’s right to property, in particular.

Additionally, in order to create institutional accountability against any malfeasance or abuse of authority on part of the revenue officers, District Enforcement of Inheritance Rights Committee (DEIRC) was also constituted in every district of the province.

The law of Punjab Partition of Immovable Property Bill 2012 was also implemented with the intent of making the process of demarcation of land easier for women. Under the law, now the state is responsible for demarcation of land among the rightful heirs.

Moreover, the law also restricts the revenue officer to resolve the matter of demarcation within two months and execute partition among the rightful heirs within six months.

However, The News has learnt that the laws are hardly being implemented. A senior official, on the condition of anonymity, said that no person would remain deprived of its legitimate inheritance right if the revenue officers only pay a little heed to the matter. “There is always some malfeasance, some connivance on the part of the revenue officers that they wipe out genuine heir out of the inheritance shares,” the source added.

Official data obtained by the correspondent from the Punjab Women’s Helpline (1043) showed that the department received 2,746 complaints from women related to property issues and inheritance rights during the year 2020. In the current year 2021, the department had received over a thousand complains from January to May.

A senior official of the Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), when contacted, said the property-related matters of women were referred to the revenue officers concerned, but unfortunately, they mostly did not take them seriously.

Also, it was revealed that the District Enforcement of Inheritance Rights Committee (DEIRC) was bound to conduct at least one meeting every month to resolve women inheritance issues. However, the exercise had become dormant, regretted the official.

Secretary Women Development Department Punjab (WDDP) Ambreen Raza told The News that only seven districts, out of 36 in the province, had been able to depute focal persons for the protection of women inheritance rights. Despite repeated reminders, and letters written to the revenue officers by the WDDP, no progress had been made thus far, she said.

In its letter dated 4th of July 2021, the WDDP stated, “…a letter was written to all 36 districts to provide data about the implementation of inheritance rights of women through newly amended clauses of the Punjab Land Revenue Act 1967, under Section 135-A and 142-A. But unfortunately, the response is still awaited from all the districts regarding any progress in this matter”.

In response, to the letter by WDDP, the Punjab Board of Revenue wrote a letter to all deputy commissioners, highlighting negligence on their part towards the protection of women inheritance rights.

A senior government official said that under the Punjab Land Revenue Act, the revenue officer must collect family tree of the deceased from NADRA without indulging anyone so that there would be no chance of ousting any rightful heir.

Under the new amendments, if someone gets ousted from inheritance share, not only her case would be dealt but also the revenue officer, who operated the mutation and caused the lapse, would also be held accountable, added the official.

Advocate Asma, a Rawalpindi-based lawyer associated with Women Aid Trust (NGO), told The News there were innumerable cases where women fight for their inheritance right, but the system does not support them.

Citing one case, she said, “Miss Rukhsana fought an uphill battle to claim her right to inheritance. She got decree in her favor for her share in 2001, and it was confirmed by the Supreme Court in 2016. However, she is still facing long delays in execution of her decree”.

President of Provincial Management Services Tariq Mehmood told The News that unending delays to demark the inherited land are caused more because of our culture than the revenue officers. He said that in most cases, the deceased is found to be married more than once, leaving heirs from different wives.

That causes family disputes over inheritance shares and the cases usually end up in civil courts, which delay the procedure of demarcation of land among the rightful heirs for years.

Source: The News

Pro-women laws’ application

LEGISLATION is only as effective in so far as it is implemented. On that score, women’s rights legislation in Pakistan has not fulfilled its potential despite the passage of several years. National Women’s Day on Feb 8 saw a number of rights organisations calling for pro-women laws to be implemented in letter and spirit. It is a very pertinent demand, for legislation is but the first step in the long battle for gender equality; without enforcement it merely languishes on the statute books, gathering dust. Take, for example, the sexual harassment law that stipulates the formation of a three-member committee, including one woman, in public and private organisation to take up complaints falling in this category. Far too often, however, those who encounter unwelcome advances from male colleagues have nowhere to turn because such committees have never been set up by their employers. The women’s only options are to either suffer in silence or seek employment elsewhere. The third option, which is to go public, is the most daunting for all but the very resilient.

During the PPP government’s tenure at the centre from 2008 till 2013, a slew of pro-women laws were passed. These aimed to address sexual harassment, as well as curb regressive practices such as depriving women of their inheritance, forcing them into marriage to settle disputes, etc. Since then, legislation against domestic violence has also been enacted in many parts of the country, most recently in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The following years saw several laws being improved upon, such as that in 2016 which closed the loophole allowing the families of honour killing victims to ‘forgive’ the perpetrator who was often one of their own kith and kin. The crime now carries a mandatory prison sentence; forgiveness can only be sought to the extent of a death sentence being set aside. All this is well and good; what is needed now are the mechanisms such as women protection committees, shelter homes, etc to bring the law to life.

Newspaper: Daily Dawn (Editorial)

Married woman shot dead

TAXILA: A woman was shot dead allegedly by her brother-in-law over a domestic dispute in the limits of Wah Cantonment police on Tuesday.

Mohammad Ishfaq while lodging the first investigation report (FIR) stated that his daughter Saniya Bibi was married a few months ago but her in-laws subjected her to torture. He said he along with his wife Yasmeen Bibi and brother-in-law Kafeel Ahmed went to his daughter’s house to settle the dispute when Adnan Shahbaz, her brother-in-law, shot his daughter dead on the spot and escaped.

Police registered a murder case against the man and handed over the body to the family for burial after an autopsy at the THQ Hospital Taxila.

Newspaper: Daily Dawn