Dera police book two for raping woman

DERA ISMAIL KHAN: The police registered an FIR here on Sunday against two men for raping a 20-year-old woman inside a car a few days ago.

A Paharpur police station official said the woman belonging to Sargodha lodged a report, claiming that she contacted her husband’s friend, namely Qari Sharif of Dera Ismail Khan, to prepare her documents for United Kingdom.

She said the man called her to his house to prepare the documents. She said when she reached DI Khan, Qari Sharif took her in a car to his house. “There, he took my fingerprints and thumb impression on some papers. Later, he told me that he would take me back to Sargodha,” the woman claimed.

“On the way back, when we reached Sem Nala area in Dera, an unknown person also got into the car,” the woman said, claiming Qari Sharif and his unknown accomplice raped her inside the car.

The woman said the men also snatched gold earrings and Rs47,000 cash from her. She said the ‘culprits’ also made a video of her rape in a bid to blackmail her.

Source: Dawn