Young man kills divorced mother

LAHORE: A young man stabbed his 45-year-old mother to death in the name of honour on Sunday, and managed to escape with the weapon he used, within the Kotlakhpat Police precincts.

The victim was identified as Riffat Sultana, resident of Hamdani Park Chungi Amer Sidhu. According to the police, the victim had married twice. From her first marriage, she gave birth to two sons and two daughters, including one Shakeel. After the death of her first husband, she remarried and gave birth to one Shoaib. Her second marriage proved unsuccessful, after which she moved in with her sons. They earned the bread for the family by performing various types of labour work.

Murder: Police sources said that Shoaib had doubts about his mother’s character, as he suspected her of indulging in illicit relationships. They said that Shoaib was in the habit of scolding his mother over the same issue. On the day of the incident, he was once again involved in a clash with his mother, during which he attacked her with the help of a sharp scissor. Riffat suffered serious injuries to her head, throat and stomach. She succumbed to her injuries on the spot, while Shoaib managed to flee from the scene along with the weapon, in a rickshaw.

Police officials arrived at the scene and removed the body of the deceased to the city morgue for an autopsy. A case was registered against Shoaib on the complaint of Shakeel. Shakeel told the police that Shoaib was subject to regular misbehaviour and he did not contribute to the family’s income. He said that they used to encourage him to work to improve the family’s financial conditions. He said that Riffat had suggested Shoaib search for a job, which infuriated him, and he killed her by repeatedly stabbing her with a sharp scissor. Kotlakhpat Police Station House Officer (SHO) Malik Muhammad Ashraf said that a case had been registered against Shoaib. He said that the accused had managed to escape, but the police would soon arrest him.
Source: The News

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