Women play vital role in politics

ISLAMABAD – Secretary General Pakistan Muslim League, Mushahid Hussain Sayed said that women being more than fifty percent of the population were integral part of the politics and assured that PML would give them due representation in the reorganization of the party.

Addressing a gathering of women in Islamabad on June 10 at PML House, Mushahid said that without active participation and contribution of women, no political party could achieve success.

The function was organized by women wing of the PML led by its President Nilofar Bukhtiar and Farukh Khan while it was attended by a large number of PML women leaders including Secretary General of women wing of PML, Rehana Aleem Mashahadi MNA, Federal Minister for Education Zobaida Jalal, women senators and MNAs and women workers from twin city.

Mushahid hoped that in next local bodies elections being held in 2005, the women would play very important role in the victory of PML.

Referring to recent Indian elections, Mushahid said it was an eye opener for Pakistan that women were then in limelight in the politics and could play decisive role in the next elections.

Quoting the successful examples of Miss Fatima Jinnah and Rana Liaqat Ali Khan in the politics, he said that women should follow their examples.

He also asked President Miss Nelofer Bukhtiar to set a special group of women parliamentarians to highlight the women issues and find solutions with mutual consultation.

Mushahid said PML would celebrate 2006 as centenary year of the party and asked the women to play active role in those celebrations.

He said that in the next general elections, schedule to be held in 2007, women votes would play a decisive role, therefore, the PML would provide equal opportunities to the women in all political affairs.

Federal Education Minister Mrs. Zobaida Jalal speaking on the occasion said the women should dedicate themselves for the strengthening of the party at grassroots level.

She said with unity and co-ordination, all the members of the party could prove a real asset for the success of the party.

She appreciated the nomination of Mushahid Hussain Sayed as Secretary General of the party and said that it was a right decision as he was the right person for this post.

Source: Business Recorder


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