Women of South Asia — Unite!

By: S Saba Bokhari

O Woman !

Thy pain in Anonymity —
The reprehension, the revolt — for public scrutiny,
Women of South Asia — Unite.
The history of your pain,
A story without a name —
Speaks volumes.
You are one woman —but you represent them all.
Women of South Asia — Unite.
For dignity, and sanity, the violence must stop.
Revolt and protests for plausible causes,
For no religion, no custom could tolerate clauses
Permitting vile, crass, condemnable crime.
Women of South Asia — Unite.
From monologue to dialogue,
In the parliament of Man — for justice.
On the streets, on the bus, in the home
Or in the workplace.
Women of South Asia — Unite.
Across cities, villages and communities
Past towns and artificial boundaries —
Form the chain, roll back the night.
In spirit of common humanity
Women of South Asia — Unite.
Per nature to nurture a better breed of men.
To propagate and generate hope —
Through laws and legislation
With intent for implementation.
With men of integrity by your side
Women of South Asia — Unite.
The pain, the anguish cannot be in vain.
The trauma the tragedy a tale to campaign
Renewed energy and impetus to fight for the right
To respect, to dignity, to life, to sanity —
Her nameless narrative not comparative, but imperative
Women of South Asia — Unite!

Daily Times