Women journalists demand gender audit in all media houses

Women journalists from different parts of the country on Saturday called for Gender audit in media Houses other decision-making bodies.

These demands made part of the protest organized by Women Journalists Association of Pakistan.

Women media persons also demanded the government to bound media owners for paying pending wages of women Journalists and reinstate those who have lost their jobs during current media crisis. They also called for provision of basic facilities for women Journalists at workplace.

They also demanded special desk to deal with online harassment cases of women journalists in the Federal Investigation Agency Cyber Crime Cell.

They also called for establishment of sexual harassment complaint committees in every media house, union offices and press clubs under the Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace 2010 Act.

Talking on this occasion, convener for Women Journalists Association Fauzia Kalsoom Rana said that government should appoint Chairperson of ITNE immediately as many cases of media persons are pending in ITNE.

Source: Pakistan Observer