Women hail launch of ‘Tabeer’ transport service

ISLAMABAD: Women of twin cities have hailed the inauguration of exclusive transport service for them under the project `Tabeer’.

“It is a good initiative and we eulogised the effort of the government for our long standing demand but this service should be available on all routes,” said Asma Arshad who works at a private company.

Talking to APP, she said these 12 vans will help women and girls reach their destination on time and save them from the embarrassment they face while waiting for hours at bus stops.

Nighat Ara, a schoolteacher, said a large number of women are rendering services in almost every walk of life but they face difficulty due to lack of decent transport facility for them.

She said they had raised the issue several times but no one paid attention to their grievances and as a result they were facing a number of problems.

“Two front seats reserved for women in vans were not enough and this new van service is quite an encouraging step for women”, she remarked.

Farzana Aslam who works at Pak Secretariat said the government should also start the same service on other routes so that women who travel daily to different parts of the twin cities do not face any difficulty.

Asma, a mother of three daughters, sharing her views said, “It is a safe service and now people will feel secure while sending their young daughters to schools and colleges. Women can take care of themselves but we are always worried about our young girls,” she said, adding that this service will give them a sense of security.

However, the same transport service is urgently required on route numbers 3, 21, 136, 120, 121, 105, 122, 124, 101 so that women commuters of these avenues could also benefit from it.

Women in the twin cities had been facing numerous hardships at bus stops, particularly during peak hours, prior to launch of the new transport service. Under the new transport service, 12 wagons will run on the roads of Rawalpindi and Islamabad in collaboration with two firms.

Daily Times