Woman kidnapped, shot dead

OKARA: A married woman was shot dead after kidnap here on Monday at Khalsa Othwal village, some 20km in north of the city.

As per first information report, complainant Fateh Khan alleged that his daughter Sadaf was taking rest along with her one-year-old daughter on Monday afternoon when armed suspects Shahzad, Ihsaan and their unidentified accomplice entered the house, kidnapped her and took her to a farmhouse. Shahzad and Ihsaan allegedly shot her dead.

Gogera police have registered a case under sections 365, 302 and 34 of Pakistan Penal Code.

ROBBERIES: Robbers took away cash, valuables and cell phones in three incidents on Monday night.

As many as 15 robbers entered the house of Ahmad Raza at Adleeky Sohag, held the family hostage and made off with Rs450,000, gold ornaments worth Rs2.5 million, two arms and as many cell phones.

At village 27/GD, some 25 km in north of city, 11 unidentified armed suspects forced their entry into the house of complainant Javid Iqbal Kharl and looted a cash of Rs500,000, jewellery worth Rs600,000 and other household items valuing Rs70,000.

In another incident, four armed suspects entered a breeder farm at village 45/2L and took away two laptops, a cell phone and cash worth Rs735,400.

Police have registered separate cases.

Source: Dawn