Umaima Amin — new induction to series of talent

* Clinches top position in O’ Levels Business Studies in Cambridge University International Examination 2011

By Asad Farooq

KARACHI: Despite all the gloomy and unstable domestic situations of the country, Pakistani youth are exploring new distinctions. There is a series of successful stories, highlighting the country’s name among global community that revolve around youngsters, including Ali Moin Nawazish and Arfa Karim.

Seventeen-year-old Umaima Amin is a latest induction in the series talent. She has become a pride of Pakistan as she scored top position in O Level business studies in the University of Cambridge International Examination 2011.

Ambitious Umaima wants to change the fate and future of the country. Though she is in search of the way and opportunity to serve her beloved country, she also desires to join politics so as to transform Pakistan into an Islamic welfare state.

Talking to Daily Times, Umaima said that she was so much sensitised in regard with her country. Expressing concern over the ongoing deteriorating law and order situations, she said all the situations brought an agony to her. “Please, stop the bloodshed for God sake,” Umaima appeals to all those involved in that menace.

When asked about her educational career, Umaima said amid an innocent smile that she had been a prominent student during her entire educational span. She was thankful to Allah Almighty for the achievement. She pays the credit of her distinction to her family, particularly her mother, however, she strictly criticised the KESC for prolonged power outages that irked her particularly during the examinations.

Umaima said that she gives around five hours daily to her studies after school times. Talking about the role of her family in her success, she said that generally, her community does not stress on education of girls, however, her father was keenly interested in her education, adding that her entire family supported her for studies.

Umaima was of the view that Pakistani youth were less than none and said that the issue that compels them to remain behind was lack of opportunities for them to explore their talent. She was of the view that if leaders become loyal to the nation and the country, Pakistan would become Quaid-e-Azam’s Pakistan.

To a question that if she becomes the prime minister of Pakistan, she said that first of all she would ensure the provision of quality education to all Pakistani children as to her education is the key of a nation’s success. She further said that she also wants to contribute for the nation in the field of education. She presented the example of a government school, located near her resident and said that she feels deep grief when sees ruining pubic education sector in Pakistan that resulted in destruction of a large number of Pakistani children.

Talking about the behavior of the society, she expressed displeasure and said that unfortunately due to some reasons, some people remained behind sense despite being formally educated and spread corruption and moral default in the society. Telling her own experience, she said that at several stages, she faced discrimination due to wearing ‘Hijab’. She said that unfortunately minor but dominant corrupt elements of the society compelled one to sense of inferiority, if someone wants to follow the right way but it is the duty of the society members to raise their voice against wrongdoings and doers.

In her message to Pakistani youth, she urged them to speak out over injustice, whenever they see them around themselves, however one should respect his or her parents and teachers.

She also pleaded students, particularly girls not to deceive their parents, as saying that in past even some of her fellows used to come in veil from home but do a lot, while hiding from their parents, what they should not. She further said that one should never forget moral values and ethics.

Nadia and Safia, teachers of Umaima, who taught her business studies at the Dawood Public School, said that there was a quality in Umaima, which distinguished her in the class from other students, that she used to ask every thing during and after lecture, which she did not understand. They further said that Umaima is an ambitious student, having good approach, attitude and focus, which were the qualities that supported her to have a brilliant success.

Talking about their feeling, both said that it was matter of overwhelming joy for them as the top position of Umaima was not only honour for them, but is a pride for the nation and the country among global community.

To a question, they said that though they were expecting A* grade for Umaima, her top position in the world was also amazing for them.

They said that they teach equally each student in the class but Umaima achieved distinction due to her hard work and focus on her goal. They expressed best wishes to her for future.

Pakistan is considered as highly enriched country among global community regarding youth power and no doubt, the country has a large percent of talented youth in population. However, the need of the hour is to provide them with proper guidance and opportunities to explore and surface their talent.

Source: Daily Times

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