Suitor kills girl

RAWALPINDI: A married man shot dead a 22-year-old girl he wanted to take as his second wife but was rejected, police said on Sunday.

Adeel Ahmed, the alleged killer, came to Naseer Ahmed`s house in Khurram Colony, Sadiqabad, seeking the hand of his daughter Shireen. Hot words were exchanged between the two men. At the end of the wordy duel, the infuriated suitor pulled out his pistol, shot Shireen and escaped.

The poor girl was taken to Benazir Bhutto Hospital but did not survive.

In another incident, four men opened fire on a truck near Tarnol, killing a man inside it.

Police said the attackers had signaled the truck to stop but the driver did not. At this, the gunmen opened fire killing Rahim Ali sitting beside the driver. In another incident, a labourer, Jehanzeb, a resident of G-9 Markaz, died after falling from the rooftop of Rafique Plaza.

Source: Dawn


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