PPP government keen on women empowerment

HYDERABAD: Sindh Minister for Women Development Tauqir Fatima Bhutto has said that the Pakistan Peoples Party’s government has done record legislative work and taken executive measures to improve the lot of women in the province.

Talking to the media here Sunday at Mehfil-i-Milad, the minister reiterated that the empowerment of women was a goal of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto.

“The government handed over agricultural land to landless peasant women, financial help in the form of BISP, professional, technical and educational skills were imparted through various training programs,” she said, adding that through the legislative measures, the women were empowered and given representation to all realms of life.

However, she noted that the laws enacted by the sitting government needs implementation which would be done over the tenure of the next government.

“There is also a need to get rid of such mindset in the society which not only denies women their rights but also snatches away what belongs to them,” she said criticizing the exploitation done in the name of religion by some self-styled clergymen, mostly in the rural parts of the country.

Commenting on the long march of Minhajul Quran International chief Dr Tahirul Qadri, she came down hard on the manner in which the women and children were made to suffer in cold weather and rain while Qadri sat himself in his cozy container.

The Nation