‘Over 825 women subjected to violence in 9 months’

MULTAN, June 11 2005: More than 825 women were subjected to violence during the last nine months in remote areas of southern Punjab, while the volume of rape, murder, acid throwing and honour killing is also alarming.

In most cases violence against women occurred following the judgement of local jury (Punchayat or Jirga). A report of Human Rights organisation revealed that most of the killers escaped unpunished in honour killing cases due to the mutual plotting.

Sibtain Raza Lodhi of the organisation held the discriminatory laws, ordinances against women, particularly Hadood Ordinance, responsible for promoting the violence against women, which had been introduced by a military dictator.

He demanded that these ordinances be repealed, and the Public Safety Commission be empowered to entertain the women’s complaints.

He regretted that women legislators make hue and cry for honoraria, perks and for financial powers instead of protesting against the rising incidents of violence against women.

The nine months’ (from September Ist, 2004 to May 31, 2005) break-up revealed that the total number of 825 cases were registered, which include 201 cases of rape, 207 of murder, 71 of suicide, 52 of burning, 33 of karo-kari, 28 of acid throwing, abduction 24,physical torture 37, honour killing 53, police torture 27, police involvement in rape cases 27.

Source: Business Recorder


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