Man ‘burns’ wife to death in Gujar Khan

GUJAR KHAN: A woman was allegedly burned to death by her husband in the jurisdiction of Saddar police station Jhelum on Friday night.

According to the police sources, the victim was first shifted to DHQ hospital Jhelum and later to Rawalpindi for treatment of burn injuries but she succumbed to her injuries late on Friday night.

Medical reports said victim had 70pc burn injuries and was in a critical condition.

When contacted Jhelum police spokesperson Assistant Sub-Inspector Mohammad Imran said the husband of the victim had been arrested.

A case has been registered against the arrested suspect under the section 302 of PPC on the complaint of victim’s mother, ASI Imran added.

Meanwhile, a two-year-old minor was electrocuted in Sohawa. Mohammad Azaan touched the live wire of water motor and died on the spot.

Newspaper: Dawn