KASUR: Police claimed on Tuesday to have arrested one of the suspected robbers who gang-raped a teenage girl in the presence of her family members some six months back.
Police also claimed that DNA profile of the suspect in custody had matched with the samples. Police, however, was clueless about the other suspect.
On May 26, two unidentified robbers had gang-raped a 13-year-old girl near Chak no. 7 of Pattoki. The then chief minister, Hamza Shahbaz, had visited the house of the victim and assured the family of justice.
COP INJURED: Unidentified robbers shot at and injured a policeman on offering resistance near Bhamba village in the limits of Raja Jang police station on Tuesday.
According to police, Constable Muzamal Hussain riding a bike was on his way home at Raval Jhangar from Kasur after performing his duty. Near Bhamba village, two unidentified robbers intercepted the policeman at gunpoint. Hussain put up resistance when the robbers tried to snatch his bike. One of the suspects opened fire, injuring the policeman.
The injured was rushed to DHQ Hospital and later referred to Lahore General Hospital owing to his critical condition. The suspects made off with the bike and valuables.
Source: Dawn News