Lady cop raped by her male colleague in Hyderabad

In a grotesque incident of the travesty of law, a lady cop was raped by her male counterpart who filmed the shameful act and uploaded it on social media in Hyderabad.

Hala police on Friday registered a case against the rapist policeman on the complaint of the police woman under PPC Sections 336, 337, 356 and 506. Lady cop Yasmeen Magsi alleged that policeman Yousuf Bilal of Hala police station took her hostage at gunpoint during night time. Then he took her to a place in Hala Babun Noah and drugged her where he raped her and filmed the whole incident. Yasmeen further stated that the accused after making her video viral on social media started blackmailing her. She demanded of the authorities to provide her justice.

Police after registering her complaint, arrested accused Bilal and sent him to the court for obtaining police remand. Police also sent the lady cop to hospital for her medical checkup.—NNI

Source: Pakistan Observer