KARACHI: Minority body calls for arrest of rapists

KARACHI, October 05 2005: Speakers at a demonstration on Tuesday October 4, condemning the gang rape of a minority community teenager belonging to Rawalpindi, have demanded that the perpetrators be arrested and immediately be given stern punishment according to the law.

Speaking at the demonstration, organized by the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA) at the Karachi Press Club, they condemned the lethargic attitude of the authorities, which had failed to even arrest the culprits.

They further demanded that the culprits should not only be arrested but they be tried in anti-terrorism courts as well. They said that owing to the gang rape incident, a sense of insecurity had spread among the minority community members. And, if the culprits were not arrested immediately, the minority communities would be forced to believe that not only were they being victimized but the government was also not taking steps to stop the victimization.

APMA leaders Michael Javed, Shahzadi Michael, Anwer Laldin, and others also spoke to the protesters, who were carrying banners with their demands written on them. Some of the banners read: “Arrest the Rapists”, “Try Rapists in Anti-Terrorism Courts”. The protesters were also chanting slogans such as “Justice be provided to Minor Gang-rape Victim”, etc.
Source: Dawn

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