It takes a lot of guts to stand up against harassment: Amna Ilyas

LAHORE-Her choice of films is few and far between, yet, she has successfully managed to earn the tag of a versatile actress. With each role carefully picked, model-turned-actor Amna Ilyas has become favourite in the ‘unconventional’ bracket. She has time and again challenged herself and emerged as a winner.

In a brief encounter with The Nation, Amna talks about her career and success. Following are the excerpts.

Tell us something about your role in upcoming film ‘Baaji’? How well did you connect to the role in the film?

My role in Baaji is very interesting and challenging. It has two aspects, which have given me a great margin to perform. I don’t want to reveal much right now but there is a lot of connection between my life and the role.

How much do you get affected by the character you play?

When I am shooting nonstop for days, then I tend to live the character I’m playing. So, at times I start thinking like the character as well which bothers my family the most.

From modeling to the big screen, how was the transition? Were there any awkward moments?

The transition was very gradual. I was offered my first movie Good Morning Karachi at a very early stage of my career. I acted in dramas and then came back to the big screen. I would not say it was awkward, modeling involves a lot of expressions but acting is obviously a step ahead. So, I have learned a lot from my co-actors and directors.

You’re amongst the commercially viable actresses today. What are the sacrifices that go behind the glamour?

We lose out privacy and the right of living the way we want to. People comment on every little thing that we do and we have to live with that, a huge sacrifice of becoming a public figure I suppose.

With actors now looking at making a career in the west, do you aspire to explore international cinema?

An actor does not have limits or boundaries. I would love to explore different cinemas be that in Hollywood, Bollywood or any other part of the world.

#MeToo movement is a hot debate currently in B-town. What’s your take on it?

I have been very vocal about it since the first day. It takes a lot of guts for women especially in our male-dominated society to stand up against any harassment or share any such experience because it always backfires and somehow the victim ends up being a joke in the society.

So, what are the essentials to survive in showbiz?

Focus on your work keep yourself fit and in this new era let the world know that you are still hot by posting your selfies (last one is a joke).

Is it difficult to balance a relationship with your career especially in showbiz?

I think if two people are really in love and really want to be with each other, than everything can be managed.

The Nation 


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