Hyderabad: SHC orders inquiry into woman’s death

HYDERABAD: The Sindh High Court, Hyderabad circuit, on March 15, ordered an inquiry into the death of a woman due to alleged wrong treatment at a hospital.

Justice Mohammad Moosa K. Leghari of the SHC appointed sessions judge of Hyderabad as inquiry officer. Applicant, Abdul Rehman, said his daughter, Abida Rustamani, 30, was bitten by a dog on January 31 and she was taken to Badin Civil Hospital where civil surgeon Dr. Mohammad Moosa Memon asked hospital servant to provide her with treatment.

He had sent a telegram to the court, which was converted into a petition. The applicant, a resident of ward-1, Badin town, said anti-rabies vaccine was administered to his daughter and she was allowed to get back to her village.

He said she was admitted to Hyderabad Civil Hospital later as her condition did not improve. He said her condition continued to deteriorate and she started biting children.

The man said his daughter was then taken to Dr. Memon’s private clinic and, according to him, the doctor accepted he had given wrong treatment to her. He said the doctor also gave him five vials of injection free and sent them to their village.

He prayed the court to provide him with justice and order registration of a case against the doctor. The civil surgeon in his statement denied having treated the woman or prescribed any medicine to her.

He said a medical officer of casualty department, Dr. Ali Nawaz Talpur, informed him that the patient was brought to the department but ARV was not available and he advised a woman attendant of Ms. Rustamani to take her to some other hospital where the vaccine was available.

He said on February 3, the father of the patient inquired from medical officer Mohammad Aslam Parhiar for ARV but it was not available at that time too. The doctor also denied that the woman had been brought to his private clinic.

He said the woman’s father was a friend of his brother, Abdul Ghani, who had a matrimonial dispute with him for the last two years. He said the applicant had levelled false allegations against him at the behest of his brother.

In another matter, Justice Leghari appointed the DPO of Nawabshah as an inquiry officer while hearing a petition filed by Dr Ali Sher Rahu, praying the court to direct police officials not to harass him.

The petitioner said his brother, Ali Mohammad, looked after agricultural matters after the death of their father. He said they owned land in the Mohammad Ramzan village.

He said he asked his brother for his share in the property but he kept him on false hopes. He said he then approached the Nawabshah DPO as his brother did not want to settle the matter.

The petitioner said on February 26, Qazi Ahmad police station SHO Ali Akbar Channa and ASI Ali Asghar along with four constables raided his house and took away a wrist watch, a licensed gun, a cellular phone and Rs6,0240 in cash. He said the respondents also issued threats to him.

He alleged that the SHO and the ASI were harassing him. The petitioner prayed the court to direct the respondents not to harass him and return the looted articles and his property.

Sindh additional advocate general Masood A. Noorani requested the court to order an inquiry into the matter after the police officials denied the charge.

Source: Dawn


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