HWA demands payment of minimum wages to rural women in Sindh

SANGHAR   –   Hari Welfare association has demanded to ensure payment of minimum wages at Rs.32000 to peasant women working in agriculture fields in Sindh. According to a press release, it said that peasant Women and laborers were living in a very miserable condition as despite announcements of Sindh Government to pay minimum wages at Rs.32000 they were being paid Rs.8000 to Rs.15000 per month which was insufficient to cater their financial needs.   HWA said that the socio-economic situation of women has highly deteriorated while torrential rain and catastrophe have also increased their miseries due to destruction of their homes and death of live stock.

Welfare association said that the re-construction of their homes is slow, resulting in millions of peasants were compelled to live in open sky. It deplored that no appropriate project for economical rehabilitation of peasants had been executed due to which rural woman was still badly affected in this modern age.

Source: The Nation