Girls college demanded in Bannu

LAKKI MARWAT: Bannu Qaumi Mahaz (BQM), a rights organisation, has asked the government to set up a girls degree college in Bannu.

After a meeting held on Monday, the BQM head Irfan Pirzada Advocate told journalists at the press club that the urban locality lacked a public sector college for girls. He said that after matriculation, students had to travel to other areas to get education.

“Around half the population of Bannu city consists of women and they are lacking basic amenities of life, including educational facilities,” he claimed. He was also flanked by other members of BQM.

Mr Irfan blasted the public representatives for not paying any heed to promotion of women education in the southern district.

“Despite promises to provide local residents, especially women, with opportunities of getting education at their doorsteps they failed to take practical steps in this regard,” he regretted.

He said many parents refrained from sending their daughters to colleges located outside the urban locality.

The BQM leader said that the government girl higher secondary school No 2 in Ghalla Mandi area had sufficient space to be used for the college on a temporary basis. “The provincial government should order relevant authorities to establish a girl college in the additional portion of the school’s building and launch classes there,” he added.

Source: Dawn