Girl dropout rate termed alarming

SUKKUR: Sindh Education Minister Pir Mazharul Haque has said that special attention should be paid to education of girls because an alarming dropout rate has been noticed among girl student of primary to middle schools in the province.

Speaking at a meeting of the deputy district officers (female) of the Education Department at Sukkur airport, he directed the officers of the department to give special attention to girlsÂ’ education because education creates awareness among women about their rights and helps them to become earning members of their families.

He directed the deputy district officers education (female) to render their services for the betterment of the province and the country and play their role in increasing literacy rate among women.

The minister directed the Executive District Officer (Education) Sukkur Jai Ram Dass to provide maximum facilities with regard to women education, in order to complete the mission of Benazir Bhutto and in this regard he directed the EDO Education to ensure attendance of female teachers in the schools.

The minister said that for creating awareness about female education, a seminar would be held here to promote the women education.
Source: Dawn

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