Fighting for women’s rights

Fighting for women’s rights

This is with reference to Sabina Khan’s piece “Women: Pakistan’s second class citizens” (July 31). It is very comforting to read such articles written increasingly by women, who want to defend their rights. The damage done to women’s rights has been caused not only by religious charities, as the writer has pointed out, but even more by all the silent and scared elite, who have shut their mouths and almost never counter the clergy that has almost completely occupied the intellectual space in Pakistan.

Any religious charlatan in Pakistan can speak as much trash as he wants by using religious references and yet, there would be very few people who will have the courage to contradict him. In any case, I want to encourage the writer and others like her to keep on fighting for their rights. There is no other solution although the fight will be a really long one.

Tas A Khan

Express Tribune