Female doctor chops off her former lover’s genitals

LAHORE: A married woman chopped off her lover’s genitals because of the latter’s alleged infidelity in the Nishter Colony police station precincts late on Thursday.

According to police sources, Shahzad, 26, a resident of Kareem Park, was engaged in illicit relations with a female doctor- Jameela Ashraf, a Nishter Colony resident. Jameela invited Shahzad to her house late on Thursday night, in the wake of her lover’s marriage, to which he agreed. Jameela intoxicated Shahzad upon his arrival and then chopped off his genitals.

Locals of the area rushed Shahzad to Lahore General Hospital, where doctors said he was in a critical condition. The police have arrested Jameela and registered a case of an attempted murder against her, on the complaint of Shahzad’s father, Muhammad Fayyaz.
Source: Daily Times

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