Altaf, Taseer flay attacks on girl schools

KARACHI – MQM Chief Altaf Hussain has vehemently condemned the terrorist elements for attacking girl’s schools in Swat.

He was addressing a Press conference along with Governor Punjab Salman Taseer on Wednesday at MQM International Secretariat after a meeting. Earlier, Governor Punjab Salman Taseer had called on MQM chief in London.

Both leaders discussed the overall law and order situation in the country, growing incidents of terrorism and others issues of national interest.

Altaf Hussain termed his meeting with Salman Taseer as a good and positive sign for political future of the country.
“There was no specific agenda of this meeting. We discussed ways for strengthening democracy, eliminating terrorism and extremism from the country and condemning attacks on girls schools in Swat”, Altaf said.

He added that there was mutual understanding between them on the issue that attacks against women and blitzing of girls schools were defaming Pakistan across the world.

He refused to give any comments on the cases against Sharif Brothers saying the court verdict would decide the fate of this matter.

Governor Salman Taseer appraised the role of MQM in national politics and termed its policies pro-democratic and supportive to smooth running of the government. He wished, Altaf could come to Pakistan soon and his plane land in Lahore.

Taseer ruled out the news regarding the change of the Punjab Governor and added that he wanted political stability in the province not any confrontation with Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif.
Source: The Nation

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