Are women responsible for rape?


ONE of my male friends shared a post on his Facebook wall which I would like to share with readers. The post states: “Men should be offended when someone claims that women should prevent rape by not wearing certain things or not going to certain places or not acting in a certain way.”

“That line of thinking presumes that men are incapable of control. That they are so uncivilised that it takes extraordinary effort for them to walk down the street without raping someone. They require that a certain dress code be maintained, that certain behaviours be employed so that maybe, just maybe, they won’t rape someone today.

“It presumes that their natural state is rapist (unknown).”

This friend of mine has more than 500 friends in his friend list (with educational backgrounds of doctors, engineers, civil servants), most of them are male. And whenever he shares a post, it is ‘liked’ by 20 to 30 men within an hour but it has been more than 20 days since he shared the above-mentioned post, yet there is not a single person who ‘liked’ it just to show his approval/support or affirmation/agreement for the post.

This reflects that male chauvinism is so deeply internalised by our society that they consider it to be below their dignity to even ‘like’ a post that is in favour of women. It also shows that men in their minds hold women responsible for rape cases.

Moreover, it appears that out of 500 men, only one (who shared it) has enough guts to favour the fairer sex. If this is the ratio of our educated men regarding such issues against women, what can we expect from our uneducated class?


Women’s Initiative resolves tribal feud

By: Ramzan Chandio

KARACHI: The tribal feuds in northern parts of Sindh are not new and have claiming several lives. Even, police not dare to go in tribal conflict-stricken areas.

Mrs Naseem Khoso, a resident of village Mad Khosa of union council Mungrani, Taluka Lakhi Ghulam Shah in district Shikarpur, the area which is commonly known as one of the worst place of the country for women. Honor killing, forced marriages, childhood marriages, tribal feuds, jirgas name any wrong practice, everything happens there.

Naseem’s first initiative and achievement is really a miracle. Her tribe, Khaso has a dispute with Shar tribe. The old tribal feud among two tribes started on issue of property of 13 acres area of agriculture land, which so far took lives of 38 persons including 6 women during last ten years. Leader of village level Local Support Organization, Mrs. Naseem told The Nation that when ‘Sindh Rural Support Organization’ (SRSO), a non-governmental organization with the initiative of Sindh government came in their village and organized the women of her village under Union Council Based Poverty Reduction Program (UCBRP), she started working with them. She was first elected the president of the community organization and then the president of village organization. Though she has the education of only five classes but she was trained by SRSO to conduct meeting, maintain the record of everything, open and run the bank account of the organization.

While not seeing the women of neighbouring village of Shar tribe, she was disappointed. As her tribe, Khaso has a dispute with Shar tribe. The old tribal feud among two tribes started on issue of property of 13 acres area of agriculture land.

Naseem along with other women of organization took an initiative and decided to go to Chuttal Shar village to convince their women to be the part of Local Support Organization (LSO), a union council level organization. She narrated that she was shocked when she saw women representing 30 different villages were present in the meeting except the women of village Chuttal Shar.

“I decided to go there; every one stopped me but along with my fellows went there. When they saw us they were shocked. We requested them to come to our village and participate in the LSO meeting, their male family members were not happy and they had doubts about their security. We assured them about their security”, she said.

On the other day, a delegation of women of village Chuttal Shar participated in LSO meeting at our village, Naseem told this scribe, adding that then we all decided to settle the dispute.

She continued, “When we shared our views with our male family members we faced a very strong reaction from both the sides, but we were determinant, therefore we convinced our male family members and the dispute was settled. We had already decided in our LSO meeting that the land which was the bone of contention will be distributed among the families of those people who have lost their live in that dispute.”

The initiative taken by a woman has become a positive example for others in the area to shun the differences and work for empowerment and progress of the people of area jointly.

Naseem’s father is a landless peasant; therefore she has grown up working in the fields. Like other women of the area she worked hard from reaping the crop of wheat in the very hot days of summer and rice in the very cold days of winter, besides she also works in the house from cooking to cleaning. She has four kids. She was living a life of an ordinary woman until 2009.

She is very sensitive about the education of kids. Because of her consistent efforts, primary schools of village Mad Khoso, Jhando Tanwari, and Ahmed Sheikh are functioning now. To make these schools functional she has to fight with the influential people of the area.

Telling about the school of Jhando Tanwari boys primary school, she said that the school building was captured by a local land lord, he used it as his warehouse, we requested him to vacate the school building he refused, we called the meeting of LSO general body meeting and more than one hundred women of different villages went there and took his all stuff out of the school building.”

The Nation

PPP government keen on women empowerment

HYDERABAD: Sindh Minister for Women Development Tauqir Fatima Bhutto has said that the Pakistan Peoples Party’s government has done record legislative work and taken executive measures to improve the lot of women in the province.

Talking to the media here Sunday at Mehfil-i-Milad, the minister reiterated that the empowerment of women was a goal of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto.

“The government handed over agricultural land to landless peasant women, financial help in the form of BISP, professional, technical and educational skills were imparted through various training programs,” she said, adding that through the legislative measures, the women were empowered and given representation to all realms of life.

However, she noted that the laws enacted by the sitting government needs implementation which would be done over the tenure of the next government.

“There is also a need to get rid of such mindset in the society which not only denies women their rights but also snatches away what belongs to them,” she said criticizing the exploitation done in the name of religion by some self-styled clergymen, mostly in the rural parts of the country.

Commenting on the long march of Minhajul Quran International chief Dr Tahirul Qadri, she came down hard on the manner in which the women and children were made to suffer in cold weather and rain while Qadri sat himself in his cozy container.

The Nation

Girl burnt alive

LAHORE: A girl burnt alive on Sunday after a fire broke out in her house due to gas leak.

The deceased, identified as Khadija, was a resident of Arshad Road. Police said the family forgot turning off the gas stove due to which the kitchen was filled by gas. Khadija caught in fire as she lit the stove her family.

The Nation

Girl shot at as marriage proposal rejected

SARGODHA: An armed man shot at a girl in Fatima Jinnah Colony as a result of her family’s turning down his marriage proposal to the victim.Moreover, Shahid Zaman, the accused, also intercepted the Rescue 1122 officials who were to shift the wounded girl to a hospital.

Earlier, Zaman entered into the house of Ghulam Mustafa, a vender, and attacked his 15-year-old daughter Sanam Bibi. As a result, she suffered bullet wounds. People of the locality informed the police and the Rescue 1122. The accused intercepted the rescuers and forced them to go back. Later, the girl’s relatives rushed her to the District Headquarters Hospital in critical condition. The accused is still at large. The other members of the girl’s family said that the accused were moving in the locality freely. They said that the incident took place as they had rejected the accused proposal to marry the victim. Police sources said that a case had been registered with the Jhal Chakkian police station.

‘PASSPORT SEEKERS BEING FACILITATED’: Regional Passport Officer Fawad Tariq Cheema said that the process to get a passport had been made easy and the applicants are being facilitated at Regional Passport Office. He said that a separate counter was working for senior citizens and women, adding that the personnel behaved with the visitors very politely. He said the entry of agents into the passport office had been banned and the security officials also been directed in this regard so that the people could not be plundered by such elements. He said in case of any complaint, the applicants should meet him without any hesitation.

The Nation