‘Kari’ prays for cancellation of bail to jirga head

KARACHI: Saira Jatoi, a woman declared as Kari by a jirga, prayed a division bench
of the Sindh High Court (SHC) to revoke the bail it had awarded to the head of the
jirga, Sardar Abid Jatoi, in December 2008.

In a written reply to a counter affidavit filed by Sardar Jatoi, the petitioner maintained
that the ‘jirga was presided over by Sardar Abid Hussain Jatoi, along with the other accused and that Sardar had full intention to kill her and her husband, Ismail Soomro.’

She added that the couple’s families are still being harassed, with the accused visiting her mother’s house and the house of an uncle of Ismail’s on January 19, threatening them with dire consequences if the FIR is not withdrawn and Saira is not handed over.
The other respondents in the petition include Mir Khan Jatoi, Deedar Jatoi, Abid Jatoi, Allah Dino Jatoi, Abdul Khaliq, Ali Sher and Khadim Mirabahar.
The bench put off the hearing till February 11, while issuing notices to the respondents who are yet to be served.
Source: Daily Times

Altaf, Taseer flay attacks on girl schools

KARACHI – MQM Chief Altaf Hussain has vehemently condemned the terrorist elements for attacking girl’s schools in Swat.

He was addressing a Press conference along with Governor Punjab Salman Taseer on Wednesday at MQM International Secretariat after a meeting. Earlier, Governor Punjab Salman Taseer had called on MQM chief in London.

Both leaders discussed the overall law and order situation in the country, growing incidents of terrorism and others issues of national interest.

Altaf Hussain termed his meeting with Salman Taseer as a good and positive sign for political future of the country.
“There was no specific agenda of this meeting. We discussed ways for strengthening democracy, eliminating terrorism and extremism from the country and condemning attacks on girls schools in Swat”, Altaf said.

He added that there was mutual understanding between them on the issue that attacks against women and blitzing of girls schools were defaming Pakistan across the world.

He refused to give any comments on the cases against Sharif Brothers saying the court verdict would decide the fate of this matter.

Governor Salman Taseer appraised the role of MQM in national politics and termed its policies pro-democratic and supportive to smooth running of the government. He wished, Altaf could come to Pakistan soon and his plane land in Lahore.

Taseer ruled out the news regarding the change of the Punjab Governor and added that he wanted political stability in the province not any confrontation with Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif.
Source: The Nation

MNAs express concern over acid throwing incidents on women

ISLAMABAD (January 22 2009): The members in the National Assembly on Wednesday expressed serious concerns over the incidents of acid throwing on women and asked the government to ensure bringing the responsible elements to justice. The members were speaking on a calling attention notice moved by treasury members inviting the attention of Interior Minister towards the increasing incidents of acid throwing on women throughout the country, causing grave concern amongst the public.

Responding to the notice, State Minister for Interior Affairs Tasneem Qureshi said that the unfortunate incidents of acid throwing over women have been decreased up to ten percent as compared to the previous year.

Giving details, he said as against 19 cases in 2007, seventeen cases of acid throwing on women were reported in 2008. He said that the ministry is making utmost efforts to check such heinous acts and centre has been established to control such crimes. Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Information Sherry Rehman said there was zero tolerance for heinous crimes against women and a Bill on the subject is already under consideration by the Standing Committee concerned of the House. She said a Burn Unit is being established at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences in Islamabad.

Referring to acid throwing on a woman from Shikarpur in Sindh, the Information Minister said an FIR has been registered against the culprit who is at large. The father and brother of the culprits have been taken in the custody of the police to apprehend the culprit. She said private television channels have agreed to screen photograph of the culprit to facilitate his arrest.

Earlier, the member including Shakeela Khanam, Dr Azra Pechuho, Nafisa Shah and Yasmeen while speaking on the calling attention expressed serious concerns over the said incidents and urged the government to take concrete measures to stop this heinous crime.

Marvi Memon of PML-Q invited the attention of the House towards the irregularities and nepotism is being taking place in Ziarat in the relief and rehabilitation activities of earthquake affected people. She said that the affectees are given bounced cheques. She also blamed the provincial government for providing incomplete information to the centre. Speaker asked the government to take immediate action in this regard and ensure provision of relief to the earthquake affected people.
Source: Business Recorder

Japan grants Rs 5.8 million for girls’ school

ISLAMABAD (January 22 2009): The Government of Japan granted a financial support of US $72,364 (approx. Rs 5.8 million) under the grant assistance for grassroots human security projects to the Learning Awareness and Motivation Programme (LAMP), a non-governmental organisation, for the implementation of the project “Construction of Girls’ Primary School” in Khyber Agency, FATA.

H.E. Chihiro Atsumi, Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan and Nawabzada Fazal Karim Afridi, Chief Executive of LAMP, signed the agreement for the project on Wednesday at the Japanese Ambassador’s residence in Islamabad. This project site is located in one of the least developed areas in Pakistan, with the female literacy rate being under 5%. Through this construction, 300 students will be provided a comfortable, tranquil and safe educational environment.

Presently these students are studying outdoors without the privilege of a permanent school building. At the signing ceremony, Atsumi said that the Government of Japan gives priority to the education and human resources development sector and has been extending Japanese Official Development Assistance to help Pakistani students receive primary education.

He also expressed his hope that this project would contribute to the human resources development in Pakistan and thus further strengthen the already existing friendly ties between the people of Japan and Pakistan.
Source: Business Recorder

Re-assessment to ruin education system: Rozina

By Muhammad Ahmad Noorani

ISLAMABAD: Despite Islamabad High Court (IHC)’s judgment in her favour, winds keep blowing against Farah Hameed Dogar, the daughter of Chief Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar, as the chairperson Senate Standing Committee on Education also came out against the controversial and illegal option of re-assessment.

While talking to The News, Rozina Alam Khan finally opened her heart, terming the “re-assessment/re-marking” of papers illegal and discriminatory, saying, such an option would completely demolish the examination and education system of the country. She repeatedly stressed on the point that there should be no provision whatsoever which allowed re-assessment of papers as she said it will only benefit kith and kin of the high and mighty of society.

“There should be absolutely no provision of re-assessment of answer sheets in the relevant rules of the respective intermediate boards, otherwise the whole edifice of our education system would crumble,” said a press release issued by Rozina before her chat with The News. She told The News that such a provision of allowing re-assessment after the announcement of result will provide the rich and powerful an opportunity to manipulate things, secure undue favours and extra marks for their kith and kin at the cost of teeming millions. “It is a great injustice to the talented and hardworking students as well,” she added.

The senator categorically denied that she had summon the meeting of her committee under some government pressure even after the IHC and the Supreme Court had turned down appeals to halt parliamentary bodies’ proceedings. She said that she had summoned the meeting of her committee with the agenda to discuss the irregularities committed in Farah Dogar’s case.

“We had given a three-week time to the Education Ministry to conduct a complete inquiry into the scandal of jacking up of Farah Dogar’s marks,” Rozina said, adding, the matter became sub judice, so she was unable to continue with the proceedings of her committee.

Rozina said that on Tuesday she talked to federal Education Minister Mir Hazar Khan Bijarani about summoning the committee’s meeting on Farah Dogar’s issue soon, and Bijarani had ensured her of ministry’s complete cooperation in this regard.

She said the minister was of the view that an inquiry demanded by the committee was delayed as the record of Farah Dogar case was sealed by the IHC. Rozina said the record will be unsealed and will be returned to the Education Ministry soon and then they will present a report to her committee after completing the required inquiry.

She said that if the committee found any irregularity in marking FarahÂ’s papers, action would be demanded according to the rules against the perpetrators of any wrong act. She said the committee will work to evolve a mechanism to abolish the existing provision, which is in total contravention to principles of justice and fair play. She said that the committee was comprised on real professionals in the education field who work on issues and will never allow any wrong thing.
Source: The news