Zardari pays tributes to Nusrat Bhutto

ISLAMABAD – Paying glowing tributes to Maadr-e-Jamhooriyat late Begum Nusrat Bhutto on her fifth death anniversary on Sunday October 23 former President Asif Ali Zardari described her as “a towering personality, a woman of great courage who faced crises and endured tragedies in the cause of democratic struggle and lit the path for future generations”.

“Her great example in courage, tolerance and in endurance will continue to inspire democracy loving people in the country,” he said.

“It is an irony of fate that while she endured great personal tragedies in the course of a momentous democratic struggle she was no more around to witness the moment of glory,” the former President said.

The best way to pay tributes to her memory is to strengthen the democratic institutions in the country and watch against any attempt to scuttle democratic process, Zardari said. He also prayed to Allah to rest her soul in eternal peace.

The Nation

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