Young girl gang raped, killed

DADU: The body of a teenage girl, who was killed after being abducted and gang raped, was found near Mohammad Khan Chand village in Mehar taluka on Sunday.

Rahiman alias Guddi, 12, along with her cousin Shabbiran went to a shop in Essa Khan Thebo village to buy toffees four days ago. A group of boys abducted her, her father Ghulam Hussain Birhamani told journalists.

Her relatives found her body lying on a heap of straws near Mohammad Khan Chand village and brought it to taluka hospital Mehar but the hospital staff declined to carry out autopsy and asked them to take it to taluka hospital in Khapirpur Nathan Shah.

Annoyed, the relatives held a brief demonstration outside the hospital before they were told that the hospital could not carry out the autopsy because there was no lady doctor.

Dr Farzana Shaikh at the taluka hospital Khairpur Nathan Shah said that Rahiman was gang raped and severely tortured before being strangulated.

Shabbiran, cousin of Rahiman, said that when they arrived at the shop to buy toffees, four boys wrested Rahiman away and said that they wanted to play with her.

Mehar SPO Akhtar Chandio said that police had arrested Suleman, Shoaib, Sajad and Kambar Chand after conducting raids in Mohammad Khan Chand village where the body was found.

Police were interrogating them, he said.

Bhirai, the victim’s mother, said that if police did not register case of her daughter she would commit suicide.

Police had, however, not lodged any case till the filling of this report.
Source: Dawn

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