THE MMA’s response to the passage of the Women’s Protection Bill is unwarranted and perplexing. Expressions such as ‘free sex’ and ‘pleasure houses’ being uttered by the worthy leader of the opposition, as also similar sentiments by a learned member during the Senate discussions are unfortunate and most unbecoming. We have to be cognizant of the varied interpretations of the Divine Revelations [Quran] in a ‘situational context’, to fulfill the fundamentals of ‘justice’ [adal] in the establishment of enjoin(ing) that which is right …. and forbidding )(controlling) that which is wrong”. It is to be noted that: (1) The words/terms ‘Ishuha’dah”, ‘Ishah’datu” and “shah’adat”, with their syntax/contextual variations, have been used for witness(es)l(ing)’, ‘evidence’ and ‘affirmation; and (2) the
Prophet (peace be upon him) gave utmost priority to ‘justice’ in the compliance of ‘laws’ and ‘observance’ what was decreed for the’momineen’. Obviously, in those days, the foremost and only ‘evidence’ was that which was personally observed (witnessed). In the many Ayahs where the above terms are used, ‘seen’ or ‘eyesight’ is neither implied nor interpreted. With reference to “casting aspersions or dishonouring chaste women”, it has been specifically mentioned that four “shuhad’a”/”shaha’datun” be given/obtained. This is the pertinent Ayat [24:4], which is probably causing misgivings to the and their angry [unwarranted] retorts that the Women Protection Bill is against the Quran and Sunnah
The has conditioned itself that four ‘male witnesses’ are a must for the provenance
or countenance of ieing ‘unchaste’l’lewd’; and the calumny of adultery’/’fornication’ or ‘rape’. In this day and age, there are various means of providing four ‘evidences’ or ‘shahadat’: DNA tests, medical examinations, polygraph, photo/electronic signs or even psycho legal examination, etc. Of course, the ‘eyewitness’ or ‘personal observation’ is a prime evidence, easily verifiable and subject to interrogative ‘techniques’. The condition of four witnesses for ‘ adultery’ has rightly been done away with. (Hopefully, the ondition of only ‘male’ witnesses in other matters would also be reconsidered, in the light of what has been Ordained in the Quran, Allah Willing.)
Source: Dawn