Women’s demo in Dera Bugti

MULTAN,February 25,2005:Around 200 women wearing veils on Thursday took out a procession in Dera Bugti against sexual assault on a lady doctor, use of delaying tactics in the arrest of the culprits and no action against the PPL management.

“Some 200 women of the Bugti tribe marched on the streets in Dera Bugti and staged a demonstration in front of the press club to press the authorities for providing protection to the working women and arrest the influential culprits,” Rauf Khan Sasoli, a spokesman for the Jamhoori Watan Party, said by telephone. The participants were carrying placards inscribed with slogans, “we demand justice and protection,” “take the rapists to task,” “do not use delaying tactics,” “PPL administration is responsible for this tragedy” and “provide justice to every working woman.”

Source: The News


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