Women rally on ‘International Domestic Workers Day’

 LAHORE: “Implementing the Punjab Domestic Workers Act 2019 in letter in spirit, the Punjab govt. should frame rules of business without further delay for effective implementation of the law, register domestic workers with PESSI, issue social security cards to workers and increase their wages in proportion to the rising inflation. The barely minimum wages don’t commensurate with their work output”.

These demands were made by the participants of a public demonstration, organized in connection with International Domestic Workers Day, today (Friday) by WISE (women in struggle for Empowerment) at Lahore Press Club. A large number of women domestic workers and leaders of Women Domestic Workers Union joined the demo, followed by a seminar held at Lahore Press Club. The participants were chanting slogans and carrying banners and placards inscribed with demands in favor of domestic workers. One of the slogans repeatedly chanted was “we are workers, not servants! The employers should treat the DWs with respect and dignity”.

Source: The Nation