Women in buses

KARACHI: I would like to draw the attention of readers towards the problems that the women of Karachi have to face on a daily basis — and all because the city lacks a proper public transport system. Public transport is meant for the convenience of the masses, but this is not the case in Karachi. The women’s compartment is much smaller compared to that for men, though women make up half the population.

If you are a woman you have to travel in the section for females. But the problem is that it is very small and invariably women in the bus are filled like sardines in a tin. Also, in many instances, men are sitting in the ladies compartment and this creates hardship for the female commuters.

Almost all the women keep their eyes forward as they travel in the bus — because many of the male passengers stare at the women.

Those who manage and plan for the future, as far as the city’s transportation system is concerned, should look into these issues and sort out the complications faced by women.

Hina Zafar
University of Karachi

The Express Tribune

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