Women entrepreneurs demand protection, concession

Women entrepreneurs have termed the rising incidents of extortion of money, kidnapping for ransom, increased loadshedding of gas and power, and government unrealistic policies as real causes of economic mess in the country and demanded of the government to provide them protection and concession to carry out business activities. They were of the view the government must encourage women entrepreneurs if we want to make Pakistan strong economically and politically.

They further said the government should also honour women entrepreneurs on same grounds as homer industrials and traders with government meddlers to encourage them. Former member of Managing Committee, Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) and Advisor Women Entrepreneur Sub-Committee of the Chamber, Durre-e-Shahwar said the Chamber intended to provide better working environment to new women entrepreneur.

Talking to media, she said that in order to fully capture and effectively utilise the talents of women in new venture creations in the future, they should be provided incentives. KCCI Member Shagufta Sheikh pointed out that the fee charged for participating in international exhibition was extremely high and unaffordable for women entrepreneurs.

She suggested that the Trade Development Authority Pakistan (TDAP) should provide subsidy to women enterprises for participating in exhibitions held abroad from time to time. She further suggested that the Federal Ministry for Commerce should direct TDAP to provide free of cost participating facility in international exhibition to those women entrepreneur producing value-added goods.

Renowned Beautician Sabiha Saqib said that her organisation was providing training facility to young girls on most modern lines so that they should establish beauty parlours. She was of the view that government should take appropriate measures to improve law and order condition in the city to boost business activities. Dr Saira Bano was of the view that due to lack of interest of the government, information technology sector was facing serious setback, and said the government was colleting heavy sales tax on import of IT which was unjustified. She said that a very lager number of girls entered in IT sector but they disheartened due to poor planning of the government.

Business Recorder

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