Women empowerment

VIOLENCE in societies reflects their incapability to embrace the notion of empowerment of their individuals. To live happily, it is necessary to be in charge of one’s own life decisions. Strengthening citizens can help nations meet their objectives. Women deserve to live with dignity and they deserve to get all the primary rights in their life. The notion of women’s empowerment is still a fantasy in parts of the globe because many social, political, cultural and religious barriers stop women from acquiring the tool of empowerment. Women have been facing infringement of their rights for the past many years. This era presents a bleak picture as violations against women have been a norm today. Regressive societies take the concept of women’s empowerment as an offensive idea and collective resistance against this notion is enormous in such societies.

Women’s empowerment is a doorway to national development and wealth. It activates the factors of social, political and economic rise. Women’s empowerment is essential to realize the dream of a progressive society. Nations such as Singapore and China have enabled their female population to take a lead on the international stage. Today, these countries have become the epitome of success and glory for the world. Supplying abundant opportunities to women empowers them to transform their lives, allowing them to become active members of the social and political sphere. However, this concept has faced opposition in many developing societies owing to the prevalence of cruel tendencies and inflexible mentalities in the socio-political arenas of such societies. A radical society never allows the spark of women’s empowerment to take hold. The consequences are frightful for the social, political and economic landscape of such nations.

Women’s empowerment means giving women their economic, political and social rights. Political empowerment facilitates women to take part in the decision-making process. Economical freedom lets women have the freedom to lead a life of delight. Giving women empowerment in the social domain involves providing them with social security in their homes and at the workplace so they feel strong. Communities that allow women to become influential in these areas gain unmatchable progress. Education gives empowerment to women, but the low literacy rate takes away the possibility of their strength. Through education, a woman can build the intellectual and moral strength to live life without bowing to the influence of others. It means education nurtures an independent mindset. However, women’s empowerment has remained a distant dream in the developing world owing to a paucity of educational facilities.

In rural areas of developing countries, the living conditions are appalling and many women live at the mercy of their male partners who take away their independence. Curtailing the possibilities for females to attain education is a trap that blocks many females to fulfil their dream of becoming autonomous beings. Thus, education gives a woman empowerment, but we rarely see this concept of empowerment of women in the social structure of Pakistan owing to the failure of decision-makers to educate women. The male-dominated society in Pakistan rarely allows women to contribute to the decision-making process. Female empowerment hinges on the point that they can take part in the decision-making process. If women cannot choose the path of their destiny as per their goals and ambitions, they end up becoming the victim of choices that are forced upon them.

It decreases their chances of becoming empowered. Women in many radical societies have to deal with such issues and decisions are taken without their consideration. Uplifting women comes with ensuring their financial autonomy which is something that is still out of reach in rural areas of Pakistan. It restricts women from becoming empowered. We should grant women the right to own property, even after their marriage, to give them financial independence. Women’s empowerment gains momentum if women take part in the political process. The absence of women in politics makes it harder for women to gain the strength to become empowered.

Gender inequality has prevented the advancement of women’s rights. Achieving gender equality serves as the basis of empowerment, a concept that is met with pushback in our social system. Women have been confronting challenges in winning their empowerment. A transformation in society’s attitude is an absolute must to make women’s empowerment a reality. In this situation, education is a tool that can turn this myth into a reality. Women need to be provided with social security to gain power. Furthermore, it is a stretch to think about empowerment without financial security. Aside from this, many laws are in place to promote the cause of women’s empowerment, but their inadequate implementation has weakened the notion of women’s empowerment.

Rule of law is a pre-requisite that can materialize the concept of women’s empowerment. Making workplaces more secure and safe for women will support their freedom. By giving out justice promptly to victims of violence and abuse, we can empower women. Gender inequality is of significant concern in Pakistan. The Global Gender Gap Index Report 2022 demonstrates that Pakistan holds a rank of 145/156 for economic participation and opportunity, 135/156 for educational attainment, 143/156 for health and survival and 95/156 for political empowerment. For a more inclusive society, Pakistan should enable its women to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country. To foster social, political and economic development, Pakistan must protect its women and grant them real empowerment

Pakistan is not meeting expectations in socio-economic areas and the inability to empower women is hindering the growth of the nation. Therefore, women’s empowerment is a delusion in Pakistan and the nation has been wading through troubled times because of its incapacity to make women’s empowerment a reality. No country in the world can advance without accepting the notion of women’s empowerment. Pakistan needs to protect females and empower them in all sectors of society. Unless serious breaches of women’s rights cease, the destiny of this nation will stay in the doldrums. Certainly, women’s autonomy is a cornerstone of social, political and economic strength.

Source: Pakistan observer