Women and development

By: Muhammad Uzair Niazi

MIANWALI: Every developed nation in the world has progressed by utilising the talents of all its citizens, including women. Both men and women are equipped with different skills and expertise and both have the ability to trigger change. Women in the developed world play a key role in the development process by utilising their skills in a proper way. Women in the developed world are associated with different professions and are contributing in the uplifting of their countries’ economies. In Pakistan, however, most women continue to face a multitude of problems and hurdles and this can happen at a level as basic as in the choice of profession.

As a result, most Pakistani women have to navigate for themselves a territory that is almost always controlled by males. Of course, this is not to say that things haven’t changed; they have, and now women can be found in professions like the police, the military, the media, sports, politics and so on. But a lot more change needs to take place, especially in terms of attitudes among male Pakistanis. That is an essential prerequisite for bringing women into the socio-economic development mainstream.

The Express Tribune

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