Woman subjected to acid attack over trifle

OKARA: A man and a woman allegedly threw acid on another woman’s face after subjecting her to torture and humiliation over a petty issue in Hamid Shah Colony, Dipalpur.

As per the FIR registered by Dipalpur city police, two days back a married woman Rashida Bibi, a resident of Hamid Shah Colony, exchanged harsh words with one Parveen Bibi of the same locality.

Later, Parveen, who felt insulted, intercepted Rashida with the help of a male acquaintance, Ali Akbar. They allegedly tortured Rashida, dragged her and then Akbar threw acid on her face and fled away.

As a result, Rashida suffered acid burns and was shifted to the local THQ hospital.

On the complaint of Rashida’s husband Ramzan, Dipalpur city police registered an FIR against Parveen and Akbarunder sections 336 B, 337 A(1) and 34 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) after confirming the incident through footage of a CCTV camera installed in the locality.

Later, the police claimed that the suspect Akbar has been arrested.

Source: Dawn