KHAIRPUR: A woman, her daughter and son were killed when armed men of rival tribe attacked them in Kharal village in the limits of Guloo Siyal police station in Gambat taluka on Sunday.
Ms Anwar Khatoon Jodh, 40, her daughter Ms Hajani, 20, and son Hadi Khan Jodh, 25, were killed during a discussion with a Kharal family over a matrimonial matter, according to Peeral Jodh, husband of Anwar Khatoon.
Police told reporters the armed men escaped after murdering the three and police took the dead bodies into custody and took them to Gambat taluka hospital for post mortem.
Police said the tripe murder was an offshoot of a dispute between Jodhs had Khadim Kharal’s family and his relatives. The real motive would surface after the aggrieved family lodged FIR.
Khairpur SSP Irfan Baloch said that Khadim Kharal’s family and Jodhs had dispute over matrimonial matter. The motive behind the incident might be linked to a karo-kari (honour killing) dispute, he said.