Woman injured in acid attack by husband

LAHORE : A 35-year-old woman received burn injuries on her face and neck when her husband threw acid on her near Lahore Railway Station.

The victim identified as Sidra had 5% burn injury on her face and neck. The accused Rafique, a resident of Misria Shah, had contracted love marriage with Sidra.

He had nurtured a grudge against his wife who used to forbid him from taking drugs.

On the day of the incident, the victim had an exchange of hot words with her husband over the issue, on which the accused got infuriated, threw acid on her face and fled the scene. The woman was admitted to hospital.

22 dice in road accidents in 24 hours The Punjab Emergency Service Department responded to 2,055 road traffic accidents in all districts of Punjab during the last 24 hours.

In these accidents, 22 people died, whereas 2,322 were injured. Out of this, 1,390 people were seriously injured who were shifted to different hospitals.

Whereas, 932 minor injured victims were treated on the spot by Rescue medical teams.

Source: The News