Woman electrocuted to death over dowry issue

SHEIKHUPURA: A newly-wed woman was electrocuted to death by her husband and others over a dowry dispute in village Sadhan here on Monday.

According to details, Nisar contracted marriage with Shabnam, daughter of Tariq some three months ago.

However, much to the in-laws annoyance, the bride did not bring dowry with her. At which her in-laws kept taunting and reprimanding her. Fed-up with the behaviour of in-laws, the girl decided to go back to her parents home which enraged her husband who along with other family member tortured her severely due to which fainted.

Later they also electrocuted her with live electric wire. Resultantly, she breathed her lost. The Muridke Saddr Police on complaint report of the girl father got registered a case against Nisar and his father and arrested them. During preliminary investigation, both confessed to the crime.

The Nation

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