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White Ribbon Campaign Pakistan holds seminar

The White Ribbon Campaign Pakistan (WRCP) held a seminar followed by a candlelight vigil at Lahore Press Club on Friday to show solidarity with the women who are the victims of violence in any form and to show men’s pledge to end violence against women.

White Ribbon day celebrations 2012 started in Pakistan with the global theme: From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Lets Challenge Militarism and End Violence Against Women! Talking to reporters, CEO of WRCP Omer Aftab said that to stop violence against women, it is not sufficient to create awareness about women rights among women only, but it is also necessary that men should join with women to encourage norms of consent, respect and gender equality in order to promote empowered roles based on non-violence and equality.

Omer further added that as per the Social Institutions and Gender Index 2012, Pakistan is ranked 55th out of 86 in the list of countries violating social norms and rights concerning women. The country was ranked 94th out of 102 in the Gender Inequality Index, 2009 however this year its ranking has dropped to an alarming rate.

Pakistan ranks lowest in the South Asian region in terms of GDP per capita for women. Right to education, discriminatory family codes, restricted physical integrity, son bias, restricted resources and civil liberties are some common forms of biases against women that need serious consideration. The White Ribbon Day against Gender inequalities is an international campaign initiated by White Ribbon Campaign here in Pakistan.

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