Two women killed over ‘Karo-Kari’

SUKKUR: Two women were killed over the ‘Karo-Kari’allegations in districts Kashmore-Kandhkot and Ghotki.

Reports said a man, identified as Allah Rakhio Koash, shot dead his wife, mother of four children, after accusing her of adultery in village Din Muhammad Koash in Kashmore city of district Kashmore-Kandhkot. Meanwhile, the Obaro Police recovered the decomposed body of a woman from a house situated in village Habib Chohan in district Ghotki.

The police, later on, arrested Ali Asghar Chohan, spouse of the deceased woman, over being involved in the murder of his wife, saying that the accused confessed to killing his wife over the ‘Karo-Kari’ allegations.

Source: The News