Three girls gang-raped

Munawer Azeem

ISLAMABAD: Three girl students of ninth grade were allegedly subjected to gang-rape on Wednesday, sources in police said.

K.B., S.B. and A.B., students of a local school, were abducted by some people when they were returning home.

They were taken to a rent-a-car showroom in Jhang Syedan, located in the limits of Kural police station and subjected to gang-rape.

The rapists also threatened them with dire consequences if they reported the matter to the police. Later somehow, the victims reached there houses and narrated the incident to their families.

When the families of the victims planned to lodge complaint with the police they were ignored by Shahzad Town and Kural police as both police stations locked horns over jurisdiction issue.

The families, however, informed Rescue-15 and lodged verbal complaint with it and took the victims to hospital for treatment. The police staff deployed at the hospital also approached Shahzad Town and Kural police but they again raised the issue of jurisdiction.

Till the filing of the report the girls were being provided medical assistance in the emergency ward of the hospital. One of the victims condition is stated to be critical.

On the direction of the seniors, Shahzad Town police reached the hospital to initiate legal process, including making request of physical examination and recording statements of the victims.

A team was also constituted under the supervision of Superintendent of Police Capt (retired) Mohammad Ilayas, to arrest the culprits.


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