Teenage girl killed by father

KARACHI: A man allegedly gunned down his teenage daughter on Monday in the name of honour within the remit of the Shah Latif police station, officials said.

They said the man, Anwar Brohi, fired at his 15-year-old daughter, Farida, when she returned home in the Bhains Colony area.

“Area people informed the police about the incident,” said Sub-Inspector Mulazim Hussain, the SHO of the Shah Latif police station. “The suspect surrendered himself to the police when they reached the victim`s home. The suspect also handed over his unlicensed pistol to the police.”

Initial findings suggested that the suspect had asked the victim not to meet a certain youngster in the area, he added.

“The suspect is a rickshaw driver and says he killed his daughter in the name of honour,” said the area SHO.

Source: Dawn


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