Minor girl dies of torture

KASUR: Eight-year-old Misbah of Phool Nagar on Thursday died from torture by a family for whom she was working. Nazir Ahmad, f/o Misbah, submitted an application to the Saddar Phool Nagar Police Station, stating that Misbah was working as a maid at the house of Muhammad Usman at Canal View Society Gujranwala for Rs3,000 a month. On Wednesday, Usman called Nazir , saying that Misbah was seriously ill. When Nazir reached the venue, Misbah was lying dead in an ambulance and there were injury signs on her body. He alleged that her daughter was murdered by torture.

Source: The News

Woman seeking divorce humiliated in public

UMERKOT: A woman was attacked by her husband and seven of his accomplices, who pulled her hair and dragged her on road when she was returning from a local court before police came to her rescue

on Monday.

Tejhan Bheel, 40, told reporters that she had moved the civil court to seek dissolution of marriage with Herchand Bheel, resident of Vehro Sharif, as she could no more tolerate domestic violence.

Today, she was attacked by eight persons, including her spouse, when she was returning home after attending hearing of the case. They dragged her on the road by pulling by the hair and humiliated her before people, she said.

She said that they were trying to kidnap her but fled when she raised hue and cry, which brought police to her rescue. Police, however, managed to arrest one of the attackers identified as Hemo Bheel.

Source: Dawn

Punjab reports most rape, domestic violence cases in 2020

An orientation session on Punjab Gender Parity Report 2019- 20 was organized by Mumkin Alliance Punjab on Saturday.

Cases of violence including sexual assault, harassment, rape, kidnapping and domestic violence have increased in Punjab. Punjab Commission on Status of Women (PCSW) presented detailed view of gender parity in across  Punjab on six thematic areas of justice, demographics, education, governance, health, economic participation and opportunities, and special initiatives.

He shared that it was mentioned The report on governance says there are 18 percent women among senators, 20 percent women are in National Assembly, 8 on general seats, 60 on reserved seats and one on minority seat.

There are 75 women members out of 294 in the Punjab Assembly while two of them are ministers in provincial cabinet. In Punjab Assembly, 8 women are on general seats, 66 on reserved seats and one on minority.

In general elections 2018, 47 million women voted in the country of which 27 million were from Punjab.

Salman Abid said that PCSW government of Punjab present Gender parity report .according to him there were concerns and success too. we need to devise strategy on violence against women. efficiency of institutions must be checked. Laws are there implementation is dire need of hours.

Imran Javed from official of PCSW said that punjab gender Information management System (PGIMS) . we collect data from different departments including Education , health, governance , Judiciary , Population, PCSW issue report every years.

Imran Javed said that The data was collected from thousands of public offices and there were 253 indicators.

It was mentioned in the report that crimes against women have increased as there were 5% convictions and 95% acquittals in 2020 while the police emergency number 15 received 214,493 calls regarding violence against women in Punjab.

Mumkin Alliance Ms. Nabeela Shaheen, Regional Director Aurat Foundation, Exective director IDEA  Salman Abid,  etc adressed on the occasion.

Source: The Nation